I’ve started a new blog (because one blog just isn’t enough) that will be dedicated to my paper crafting.
In my head I call it “my business blog” and I call this one my “useless blog“. Now someone needs to go sign up to follow it…
it’s very lonely in the business blog!
(it's pink so you'll love it there!)
There is a link in "my links" on the left side of this blog.
I’ve started a new blog (because one blog just isn’t enough) that will be dedicated to my paper crafting.
In my head I call it “my business blog” and I call this one my “useless blog“. Now someone needs to go sign up to follow it…
it’s very lonely in the business blog!
(it's pink so you'll love it there!)
There is a link in "my links" on the left side of this blog.
Happy New Year!
It’s a COLD and sunny day today. Last night we had a crazy snow storm that under normal circumstance I would have loved. But I was at my Mother’s house yesterday and by the time I left for the long drive over the Big River, thru Albuquerque and across the mountains the roads were BAD. I-40 east of the city was snow packed and very slippery. You couldn’t see the lines in the road so there was no way of telling if you were in a lane, or even on the road for that matter. It was snowing rather hard and the wind was blowing. I had both girls with me, Lauren was helping me by watching for the lines in the road, and Savanna worried in the back seat (because that’s what Savanna does). Once we got off the interstate things got worse. Of course there had been no snow plows in Edgewood so you really couldn’t see the road. As we inched our way down Dinkle road Lauren noticed foot prints on the side of the road that went on for a number of miles. We debated if it was human or dog, and came to the conclusion that it must be human…. Or dog. But what man or beast would be out on a night like this? As we came upon our street we saw a man walking. I tried to stop to see if he needed help, but I slid past him. As he came up on my truck I asked if he was OK, and he said, “yes, my car wouldn’t start and I needed to go to Walmart.” I told him that it was still a long way, and he said, “no I’m almost there”. Ummmm it’s like another 3 miles I informed him, and told him that if he wanted to ride in the back of my truck I’d take him the rest of the way. So he jumped in the bed of my truck and away we went. It was then that I felt the urge to lecture my girls on the dangers of picking up strangers on the side of the road. And I assured them that if it wasn’t for the pick up truck and him being able to ride in the back I NEVER would have done this, and that I was in complete control of the situation…. I could keep an eye on him, and if I felt like we were in danger I would simply slam on my breaks and he would fly out of the back of the truck bed (never mind that we would be in the ditch right next to him).I pulled up to Walmart and he jumped out and thanked us. I might add that NO ONE was at Walmart due to the storm so he wouldn’t have to wait in line to check out. There was a big part of me that wanted to go in and follow him around the store to see just what it was that he needed so bad to walk in a blizzard miles to get. Another part of me wanted to go back and find the foot prints and follow them back to see how far he really had walked, but I was sure that the snow and wind would have covered them by now…. And really I just wanted to get home, so that’s what we did.