Monday, March 28, 2011

Raleigh and Delilah

Delilah (our little black cat) is very leery of dogs... thanks to Gabby.
But Raleigh really wants to make friends with her.
Little by little he's making headway.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Always At Home

Raleigh can make himself at home anywhere. I guess it's because he goes everywhere with me.
I took him out to a brand spanking new trailer that had just come into the lot, to get pictures... of the trailer, not Raleigh. But I couldn't help myself.
shhhh don't tell Kathy!
I love how you can see his little fanny in the mirror.
Yip, the chair smells like new leather.
The new trailer is "poodle approved"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Yesterday afternoon I was talking to my sister on the phone, and the dogs were being nice and quiet.... THAT should have been my first warning. Raleigh came bouncing down the hall to taddle tail on Gabby. I walked into my craft room and this is what I saw.
I'm not 100% sure the poodle was completely innocent.

So much for my bag of stuffing

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Graduation.... again

Raleigh now has two diplomas under his belt, or collar.
Tonight he graduated from novices obedience. I was so proud of him showing off all his skills. THEN came the snake proofing.... Raleigh's worst nightmare. Scott jumped in for me again at this point in the class (I really dislike snakes). The class instructors remembered how traumatized he was last time, so they instructed me to not let him get so panicked this time. They said if he started to reach that point again to take him out of the building.
He HATED it, and for sure remembered it, so they took it easy on him this time.
Scott and Raleigh running from the snake (Scott screamed like a girl)

I'm trying to upload my first video. If it works, you'll see Raleigh's second turn with the snake. He was so afraid they let him pass behind the snake.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Raleigh's got a new style

It was such a nice afternoon (NO WIND) so Savanna and I decided to break out the clippers and give our grooming skills a little practice. We pulled the patio table over to the outlet, plopped him up there and clipped away. He did pretty good, but I have to say Savanna and I did really good. Between the two of us we remembered all we were taught, and he turned out looking like a poodle. We ran out of daylight before we got his feet clipped, but we will do those in the next few days.
I took the pictures below before he was completely dry,
but you can see that he doesn't look like a chicken nugget this time.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Raleigh & Rebel

Raleigh's friend Rebel came over tonight for a visit. They haven't seen each other since they were little baby puppies, and Raleigh played to rough. Tonight Rebel was able to stick up for himself.

Raleigh and Rebel planning their next hunting trip.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chicken Nugget With Legs

You all asked to see.... so here it is. The poodle clip of shame. Poor Raleigh.