Tuesday, December 30, 2014

One Word 365 * 2014

As 2014 is coming to and end I wanted to put some of my thoughts into words.
I have loved my word "SHINE" and have tried to grasp at it everyday this year.
My hope is that I've shined into the lives of not only the people who are around me every day, but also the strangers who have passed by me.
Some of my new habits include: 
Smiling even when I don't feel like it.
Eye contact with strangers, along with a smile.
Greeting people who pass within 5 feet of me.
Arising everyday with the anticipation of God's light shinning on me and through me.

I will miss my word, but I hope it's ingrained in me so deeply that I will continue to SHINE everyday for the rest of my life!

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